PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Belly Rub ... Please?

Just seconds late he was on his back with legs spread eagle in the air! Bit of an emergency blip today. Trying to pack my bags for my Oz holiday in a few days. My room looks like a bomb has gone off and I'm not really any closer to deciding on what to take....

Also admitted a sweet dog into hospital this afternoon. Unfortunately we are suspecting tetanus :(. If it is then there really isn't anything we can do for her except kindly put her to sleep before the symptoms get worse. Tetanus is extremely difficult to treat. Even cases that are admitted to the most well equipped vet hospitals in western countries end up on 24hr anaesthetic, full ventilation and being treated with anti-toxin continuously, only to end up dying in the end. We don't have anti-toxin and we don't have fancy equipment and 24hr monitoring abilities. I hope we are wrong and its something we can treat. She is a sweet dog and has lovely caring owners who would be very upset if they lost her. Why does it always happen to the good ones?

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