Always something interesting

Another walk, another window display. Surprisingly I only took one photo today on my walk.
Started the day with a chat to a friend back home which was good. Enjoyed sitting on my balcony - it’s quite mild - 18C. Then my online session with my trainer. Stretching and core strength, both much needed!
I’d had a missed call during training - it was my two lovely Egyptian ‘brothers’ - I called back and two hours later we finished. So good the three of us could chat, maybe next year we’ll be reunited they said. I’m in Athens, one is in Kw8 and one in Cairo. The Cairo based friend is getting married late next year, so maybe.
I showered and set off for my walk into the city, the streets were crowded, so much traffic, especially given it’s lockdown.
Ring purchased, stopped at Paul, a similar but different selection to Paul in Kw8, I just bought bread. Walked home, ate, snoozed, ate. Started watching Bridgerton on Netflix - it’s frivolous and enjoyable!
Early to bed. Tired.

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