A Mild Day

The grandchildren and I woke up in a good mood today because the little one didn't get out of bed in the middle of the night (although I think his sister bore the brunt of his nighttime waking since they share a (big) bed in the guest room). We had a fun morning with bacon, waffles and pop tarts (yeah I know) followed by a good romp in the garden when the 7-year old decided to make a "kitty cafe" in the garden for our two cats. There's a plastic pot of water there for them and some little figures visiting, apparently. It's very cute. 

I spent the afternoon (by myself) in the garden doing some pruning and tidying up. It doesn't look too bad for December and I can see signs of bulbs popping up (Crocus, Daffodils, Hyacinths and Alliums). It's been a very mild winter so far, fingers crossed it stays this way. Sometimes we get hammered with ice storms which are just awful. It's so hilly in Portland that it creates a nightmare. But so many people are working from home it wouldn't be quite as bad, I'm thinking. Anyway, keeping those fingers crossed!

This winter pansy is looking pretty good for being rain battered. It's trying  to put on a good face!

This week the year ENDS! Hallelujah! 

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