When I went to bed last night I realised Lily wasn't around.  She is usually in her bed in my bedroom or in the bathroom.  So I couldn't  settle until I knew where she was so I got up and had a look for her.  She was nowhere to be found.  I checked the lobby and garage in case she was shut in there.  No Lily.  I didn't think she would be outside in the cat enclosure as it was lashing down with rain and blowing a gale but I went to check anyway  Then I saw that the corner of the patio door curtain was wedged in the cat flap meaning it was stuck shut.  What a crazy thing to happen.  I could see Lily's little face outside so I yanked the curtain free and Lily dived indoors.

So now I could go to bed.  Strange thing was that soon afterwards Lily snuggled down beside me on the bed and slept there all night,.  First time she's ever done that.  Tino sleeps on my bed most nights but Lily never has.  I think she must have been grateful that I " rescued " her from spending a night outdoors.

I didn't sleep well and have felt weary all day so I've had a couple of naps.  I've got a bit of a sore throat and have been feeling hot. My temp is normal though.  I've been turning the heating down and Neil has been asking for it to be turned up as - according to him - his bedroom is " Baltic ".  I've probably just got a bit of a cold.

My blip  is a new purchase which arrived today.  When I was talking to my brother C yesterday on the phone he mentioned he had bought a wind up radio ( in case of power cuts ) and he " sold " it to me so well that I ordered one for myself from Amazon.  I only put the order in at 9.30pm on Saturday evening and the radio arrived at 2.15pm on Sunday afternoon.  Amazing service.  And I'm not even an Amazon Prime member. The radio can be charged 3 ways - solar power, wind up crank or using a USB port.  I bought it mainly to use in the bathroom. The one I have in there now goes through batteries very quickly. 

Musical link - Our RADIO  Rocks - by P J and Duncan ( aka Ant and Dec )

We had a bit of sunshine this morning but its mainly been a rainy windy day.  Neil went for a 5 mile run with a friend this morning and then after his friend went home Neil decided to do a few more miles.  In the end he did a lot more and ended up doing a half marathon - 13.1 miles.  His longest run since his November challenge.

Steps today - 2,332

CORONA CLASSIC - Under The Bamboo Tree - Judy Garland and Margaret O'Brien

( A song from the film Meet Me In St Louis which I watched today )

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