...And to All a Good night

The best Christmas present we could have gotten was Will, relaxing on the couch with his phone before dinner, announced that he did not have Covid. We made the right decision and enjoyed a lovely day together.

The theme this year was clearly ‘cozy and warm’ . Everybody got soft, fuzzy, comfy articles of clothing. Mine were leggings that are soft and fuzzy inside and the perfect soft black turtleneck.

Both boys got weighted blankets and memory foam pillows. The blankets are apparently all the rage this year since both the girls informed us via Face Time from Los Angeles that they got them too. My picture was taken last night but shows Spike putting his stamp of approval in the whole arrangement as Peter tested out his new blanket and pillow on the very same couch.

Weighted blankets are supposed to be calming. Because Spike preferred the pillow I’m not sure how calming Peter found the blanket.

Dana and John spent a lot of time and energy this morning finding and digging out big rocks from the field and carting them back down to our work in progress outside the bedroom. Rocks are more plentiful than soil here and have the added advantage of not burning, but they sure are a lot of work to move around on this steep terrain...

The dogs had a great time running around in the field. It looks quite clean with its pristine coat of green grass, but the ground is still very black underneath . Black doggy footprints on the newly washed deck are not such a great look.

Our Christmas tree was so dead that I was quite happy to take it down today. It didn’t take very long because I never quite worked up the enthusiasm to put on many ornaments. ...it’s a relief to get it out of the house but It will make me sad to see the empty space where Ozzie’s bed was. I miss him....

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