Merry Christmas
Hopefully, despite the restrictions, you've been having a lovely Christmas, just as we have. It's been lovely having Tilda with us, sharing in family time with Ruth on video chat. Delicious food, special presents and great company. Let's celebrate what we have been able to do!
After the big meal we walked Meg through town to deliver gifts to friends - presents left on doorsteps and distanced brief chat - which was a little reminder of what awaits when the pandemic runs it's course.
Crocus imperati suaveolens (or now more correctly Crocus suaveolens) is the first of the spring crocus in flower. It's hardy enough and will grow happily in the garden, the flowers often lasting several weeks if the weather is cold and bright. This year, along with the last of the autumn flowering Crocus laevigatus it's my Christmas Crocus.
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