We saw one of these on sale in Cape Cod in the USA when we were on holiday there about seven years ago. We both loved it as a fun item and regretted not having bought it. When we got home I tried to find one online but the only one I could find was on an American site and would have cost a totally outrageous amount to have shipped over. So I added it to my ‘wish list’ and largely forgot about it.
I had looked online a couple of times over the years to see if one was on sale but never found any so I assumed it was just a ‘one-off’. A couple of weeks ago I was reviewing my wish list and spotted this so thought I’d take a look. I found one on sale in the UK at a good price and in stock so I bought it as a Christmas present for W. It’s really well made, fun, and W loved it! She did ask me to point out, however, that this was effectively a stocking filler, and I bought her some other (and rather more expensive) things too.
We’ve ‘Zoomed’ with W’s sister, had a cold and windy walk over the salt marsh at Blakeney, watched the Queen’s speech, and the dinner is in the oven ready to eat at around 6pm. I hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas Day.
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