Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Don’t even ask ...

Despite the horror show that is Covid, the nightmare before Brexit, and the gloom of midwinter, this was actually a fabulous Christmas Eve. We managed to get out for a walk and avoid people, Barnier and Boris managed to turn the theatre of the absurd into a last minute deal (predictably), and we warmed up the house, got out the party food, opened a few bottles and played games. I was laughing so much at one point that I couldn’t breathe. We even had TGR FaceTiming from Canada and looking lovely, even though she had to work part of the day. 

It was freezing cold and muddy out so we didn’t walk for long; in the last forty eight hours the top daytime temp has dropped from fourteen to three degrees. But it was good to see sunshine and blue skies and get some fresh air.

We cooked too. I made the red cabbage and bread sauce for tomorrow and TSM baked some gorgeous oatmeal and raisin cookies. I love cooking on  Christmas eve, it really gets you in the mood.

We are five for Christmas and feel blessed given that so many people are alone this year. The traditional evening festivities were great fun - charades followed by cards against humanity. 

The picture is one of me miming a one word musical that was also turned into a film. See if you can guess it ...

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