Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael


As we all know, the weather here turns in an instant ... so today dawned sunny, but frosty .... the best kind of winter day.  

We skipped breakfast and went over to Born in Scotland (used to be Born in the Borders, but they have expanded their horizons). Fortified by coffee (excellent) and a scone (would have been excellent yesterday), we had a walk by the river. 

This is the first time we've been in the cafe since they reopened, and we thought we should show our support before they have to close again after Christmas. Not at all sure about the new decor (see above).  Anyone remember 'Trainspotting'??
On the way over we spotted a lot of horse boxes parked down our road. 

The next port of call on the 'support your local enterprises' tour was Mainstreet Trading. We got a few books to keep us going over the festive period - I will probably be blipping them, as I don't think the next week will have many photo opportunities.

Going home, we encountered the horsey set again - I have no idea what they were doing, other than trotting across our road, with a pack  of hounds, milling about and not seeming to have any idea what they were doing. But what would I know??

I've reached my happy pre-Christmas point, where I think I've done all I can do, and now it's all about sitting back and enjoying it. We won't be seeing any of our nearest and dearest, but they are keeping us up to date with what's happening and I can't say I'm sorry not to be facing the washing up that Christmas lunch for 14 involves. 

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