
By Hillyblips

Hungry Mouths

It's bitter outside and the bird food is disappearing at a startling rate - somewhat similar to the contents of my fridge! So many hungry mouths chez nous!

With a full house we seem to be moving rapidly from one meal to another and I'm always thinking ahead about the next one, what we are going to do and where it is coming from! No different from this little chap I suppose.

Can't bear to think about the kids leaving tomorrow back to the US and it is such a pity that we have all been blighted by this 'flu bug and are all at different stages of illness! Squeezed in taking the MIL for lunch today and her grandson without doubt deserves a gold star for effort for that one, after only getting home at 6:00 this morning after birthday celebrations last night. Fair play!

I suspect the rugby will take priority this afternoon in front of a roaring fire - it will have to be as we have run out of oil for the boiler!

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