
A sunny spell was forecast, but we knew the popular spots would be busy, so we went to Threlkeld and walked along a favourite path, the old mine track along the Glenderaterra Valley. We drove there as the sun was rising and then, as we walked, the sun was breaking through the clouds and lighting up the hills in a delightful way. A magical walk. 

The photo is looking back the way I had come, with the sun suddenly lighting up the path and the gorse flowers, whilst the high valley sides were still in shadow from the low cloud. 

When we arrived at the car park at the top there was only one car and a guy was getting ready to take his mountain bike out. I only met two runners the whole way - it was very quiet, with the only sound the water in the bottom of the valley. 

When I got back (Gordon went further than I did), the car park was almost full and lots of people were setting off to climb Blencathra ('the boring way' said Gordon). We left them to it. I think we had the best walk and most certainly the most socially distanced. 

So, our area Eden has a worryingly high rise in Covid cases. Still not that many, as we are the least populated of all the areas that are used, but still . . . 

And following on from my comments yesterday - today 'they' are beginning to think the huge rises in cases in the South East are to do with the mutant strain transmitting more effectively between children. Teachers could have told 'them' that a long time ago - but 'they' were not listening. 

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