
By TBay

Supper time.

Every Monday and Tuesday evenings we have Little Miss and Harry for supper while their Mummy, Mrs Tbay Jnr, finishes off work. They come straight from schools and pre school and are always ready for something to eat. Little Miss arrives first and we always  have Elephant Juice. For those who may be wondering what on earth that is, the answer is simple, it is strawberry milkshake! When she was very little I was struggling to get her to drink anything much and in desperation said would she like some Elephant Juice! The answer was yes and the name has stuck!

She is as always dawdling over her supper and is idly watching the revolving glittery penguins on the table!  They are rather fun but the music that you can have with them is a step too far, so silent penguins they are.

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