
By Mindseye

Watch the birdie #13

Slept for 6.5 hrs back to back....but awake from 6. Downstairs at 7, made myself a brew and a toasted bagel, took them back to bed for an hour.

Good news from yesterday, surgeon didnt insert a stent, once the camera was in, he said to hub you don't need it, there is no blockage, blood flow was normal......that explains why hes not needed the oxygen hardly at sll the last couple of days. Conclusion is that it has shrunk and released the artery over the last 48 hours :-D They also said they dont feel the drain is necessary now either. An xray Monday......then who knows, everything crossed for 23/24th!!!

Ive been over to the hospital again this morning to drop off a couple more tee shirts and played papergirl en route for half the Ward ;-) Hub has been craving a proper coffee, we asked if I could take him a Costa, but the answer was no :-( so I took him an iced coffee, from Tesco, which he likes, instead.

Had a few errands to run in town when I drove back, did those, then called in Costa, felt a bit guilty.....it was funny though, the lad who served me gave me a bag with a free gift inside.....it was only a packet of their coffee, so I will be able to make hub one when he comes home ;-)

Todays blip is the next in my garden birdie series, a little dunnock, I think, not the best photo, but its all I have for today.

The afternoon was taken up with various things, including cleaning out the garden bin...used the hose, got sprayback in my face lol!! Im going for a socially distanced walk with daughter tomorrow, so made her a shepherds pie for lunch, and two smaller ones for in our freezer. Prepped my dinner, chicken noodle stir fry, for an early dinner, as Strictly was starting so early!!

A couple of face time sessions with hub, hes got a few aches today, in his back & neck, his consultant saw him again this morning, said its down to the chemo. He is so tired.....he keeps saying how noisy it is at night, really feel for him :-( hopefully just a couple more nights before he is home!

Really enjoyed the Strictly final, so good, wont say too much about it in case some of you haven't had chance to watch it yet! Happy enough with the result could have been any of three for me :-)

Just watching Mr Buble in concert on Sky Arts :-))

Hope youre all having a good weekend, despite the news delivered this evening regarding Christmas.....l.have to say I feel it is the right thing to do, no doubt there are those who think otherwise. What we do this year will impact on future Christmas Days. Much better that we are all here to celebrate them.

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