These Boots Were Made For Walking

I went out for a short walk today to try and get a specific shot and failed.
However, I did get a fair few movement shots I am reasonably happy with. The spinny ones are the hardest to do and I was rather pleased with this one. I even used the built in flash which is something I very rarely do.

When I got home and downloaded the pictures there was a bit of a What The ........? moments -- but it turned out it was just too long an exposure when try to get something like this.
There are other shots over there too.

I spent some time in the garage making a small Yew dish. It would have been 2 Yew dishes, but I managed to drop one of the chuck jaws when I was changing the size and do you think I could find it?
Well, the air was blue, the knees and back were screaming and I had found some sizeable chunks of what could be interesting wood by the time I found the jaw and finished putting everything back and clearing up the piles of sawdust from normally inaccessible places. So it wasn't all wasted time.

The online camera club was having a 'social evening' on Zoom and we were meant to wear something "seasonal".
So I rummaged around in the attic and found my 'Jesus' fancy dress outfit and put that on (you can't get any more season than that can you?) before signing into the meeting.
Only I couldn't sign in -- it wouldn't let me.
Every combination of upper case, lower case and spaces was tried to no avail (I know others have had problems in the past)
I phoned Mrs Mac - no reply. 
I tried switching off the laptop and trying again. Still nothing. 
Mrs Mac called. 
The phone cut off before I could answer it (confirms it is a fault with my phone .... bugger!). 
I phoned Mrs Mac back .... she was in bed not feeling well and had been sleeping so not joining in (sorry!) and couldn't help.
I phoned Big Col who suggested that I dig out an old e-mail for one of the talks and try the link as that might work.
I removed my Jesus outfit .......... I was sweating and the wig was making my head really itchy.
Found an old email link ........
YES! - I was in
Pictures submitted from members that had been taken this year were already being shown and talked about. 
It turned out that due to Google and another major player having power outages during the week a fair few of us failed to get our pictures through (although I had got a confirmation e-mail).
So I have put my submission in the Extras Box to be slated if you wish.
I didn't win the general knowledge competition - but I was only a couple of marks off it.

I nearly forgot .................. these boots in the lead image (yes - there is a pair) are hanging in a tree and have been for a number of years gradually gaining 'character'. I suspect the laces holding them up will fail at some point allowing them to fall. I doubt the owner will want them back though.

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