Birthday Girl

Our Es is 12 today and turning into quite a young lady:-) I often wonder where that time has a blink of an eye...that's where.

Enjoyed a nice birthday tea tonight of mushroom risotto, salad and bread...birthday girls choice and a good one in my opinion. Not a tea her brothers will eat...unfortunately, so they had surprises there! Also enjoyed a wee bit of fizz...y grape juice...she likes drinking from the red flutes.

Love this pic with the Rooster smiling at his big sister...the wee fella was on the other side of the table giving a BIG rendition of Happy Birthday...there were arm gestures and a BIG voice...all accompanied by me on my guitar.

After tea she opened her presents as I had had to leave mega early for the office this morning. She was a very lucky girl and received lots of nice things and cash to buy more nice things.

Then we watched an episode of 'The Middle' we had recorded...these two in the picture really enjoy it...the other two watch but it's often requested by the Rooster and our Es, they are actually quite alike these two in nature:-)

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