cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"she's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers

What a way to spend a Friday night at home than with these 3 lovely ladies! All home at the same time so a catch up was a must! :) Chinese and chatter!! Love these girls and miss them very much when I'm not here!

Early start to the day for a hair app with Gary to put me back to normal and then road trip to Altnagelvin for Ortho clinic for the penultimate time! Today it was my turn to complete the end of treatment questionnaire after watching so many other people complete it before me!!!! :) With the all clear from my orthodontist I'll see her in 9 months time for the last ever clinic where the surgeons will sign me off for the final time! It will be very strange not to be attending clinic and seeing the same 6 faces on my surgical team all the time!

N.B - song lyrics for today's blip were chosen by Izze, Jayney and Ruthie as a connection to most of our conversation topics tonight! Miss our banter!!

# You belong with me - Taylor Swift #

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