Snuggles with Mummy.

After writing yesterday's blip, Mr W and Daughter Number 2 had an almighty barney. I'm a bit ashamed of them both to be honest. They know I hate confrontation and there really was no need for it. It happened just as I was serving dinner. I couldn't then eat it.

Today they have totally ignored each other. It makes for the most horrible atmosphere... the day we should all be excited for her moving tomorrow. I can't share in her excitement and joy.

Instead I went for my smear. Had my knuckles wrapped for being a year late. Covid sort of took over. I was trying to avoid the surgery!

Mr W and I then took Bella for a long muddy walk. There really is no avoiding the mud now.

Got all my reports and time sheets in now so apart from returning all my equipment - I can stop thinking about work.... except for the bit where my name is involved in a grievance against management. Something about the selection process that was unethical. Which makes sense. Its not my grievance, but it includes my name. I think perhaps I should have been consulted about it 1st. Think I shall keep my union membership going a bit longer!!!

Things can only get better.

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