A chance sighting
I’ve had a busy day by my standards. Swimming at 9, then grocery shopping before my remote physiotherapy appointment. The vet phoned to discuss Cassie‘a blood results. She has hyperthyroidism, so needs to start meditation for it.
Her liver enzymes were raised too as well as renal function being a-bit impaired.
Kevin came to service the gas boiler , and then I went to Moira’s for more Ayurvedic treatment, which was lovely.
Before it got dark my partner and I went for a walk by the river Nith . I spotted the egret on the far side on the riverbank and as I started photographing it a heron came into the shot !
I know herons can be pretty intolerant or other herons, however it did not seem bothered by the egret. The additional photo is taken as the sun was setting from Suspension bridge.
I taught yoga this evening, and then we enjoyed a couple more episodes of Spiral .
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