The Bridge

@ferryoons might remember this: it is the pub that stands opposite the office in Kendal where we worked together in the late nineties. Well, to be accurate, he worked primarily in the Edinburgh office, and I was based at Bridge Mills in Kendal. He would occasionally visit us, and I would spend two very happy days a week in Edinburgh. (I have particularly fond memories of The Barony, where I would meet my friend, Ged, for beers, and Giuliano's where I would take my book for dinner.)

Anyway, back to The Bridge. I think Scottish Provident was the last place I worked where people routinely went to the pub of a Friday lunchtime. Across the road at twelve sharp and back in the office - not a long walk! - for two o'clock.

I must confess that I was very rarely in the (large) group that went over to the pub; Friday was the occasion of my long run. Back in those days, a long run for me was anything between six and nine miles, which I could fit in, along with a shower afterwards, during the two hours that everyone else was drinking.

I'd come back and eat at my desk afterwards, and usually use this time to write a scurrilous report of my journey to Edinburgh and the attendant meetings that week, while everyone else sat in front of their terminal trying not to fall asleep. To be honest, with a couple of notable exceptions, I actually preferred my colleagues in Edinburgh but I could never resist penning a satirical account. 

All that said, it looks as though The Bridge isn't faring too well, these days.

Reading: 'Troubled Blood' by Robert Galbraith

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