
By monkus

another day of torrential rain, but restless enough that when it lessened a little it was time to get out, have an hour wandering in the showers and drizzle, hiding from each of the renewed deluges which appeared upon the way... otherwise distracted, watching as the effects of the 2016 koolaid bonanza begin to wear off, the desperation of the participants to avoid the approaching realities, threats and blame games, disassociation from the consequences of their own actions... it's getting truly bizarre when watched from a distance, denials becoming more and more desperate, de piffle paffle's smirking face as he attempts his latest spiel at renouncing the storm approaching... drumpf and his allies counting the cash while their followers dive ever deeper into the rabbit hole... that was always the problem with hallucinogens, the day after.. unfortunately on the dosage that's been taken by the true believers the come down is going to last for a bit longer, the collateral damage horrendous while the instigators seek ever more ridiculous rationales for their self harm, desperate to project the blame while determined that their legacy is one of scorched earth...

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