Hanging Around In Empty Spaces, London

The title, of course, has a Covid reference but I fear it's far more to do with the no deal we're now almost certainly heading into. This government and the Brexit blowhards are now in their dream place, their very own echo chamber where they can listen to their bonkers beliefs until the end of time (or the economy is destroyed - I'd like to have a bet on which is sooner!). Boris is now, essentially, friendless and hopeless in Europe (he's literally hanging around in empty spaces) and those that do agree with him aren't worth having as any type of ally (Orban and his despicable "comrades" come to mind). I don't think you could find a better example of economic self harm in the past century. At least we'll have our sovereignty if very little else, and it will be very little else. What a terrible, sad state of affairs.

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