The Future & The Freedom, London

I feel more conflicted about what's going on now than maybe ever before. The situation in London and Kent, infection wise, is getting worse but in the rest of the country it's getting better. The vaccine is upon us but many more people will die before they have a chance to take it or gain immunity from it. For some of us the future will be bright but for others it will be very black and very bleak, it's heartbreaking but there is also the potential for joy and freedom from this awful pandemic. I hope this image has captured some of that rush of emotions, fear and hope.
I also still worry about the people who are ignoring the guidelines and how much they will spread the virus before the immunisation process gets a proper hold of the situation. Even on my train home tonight there was a man sitting directly under the sign about a huge fine for non-compliance as regards mask wearing with his pulled under his chin totally oblivious (or not giving a shit) to the danger he could be putting others in. It made me feel angry and resigned at the same time that someone could be so selfish.
I took the extra just because I loved the sense of scale and the beautiful retro lettering on the hotel building.

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