Let the sun peep through.

As soon as we started Walkies, Mr W had a call from the dishwasher engineer to say he was on his way!!! Bella and I were abandoned while Mr W went home. Poor Bella didn't know what to do... she kept stopping and looking back.

We ended up walking all the way home as the engineer took some time!!

I decided to end work a few weeks early. Being there until the end of December is making me sad and grumpy. I should be working to help boost my redundancy pay but I think my mental health is more important. I finish next week.

Christmas was also discussed. I'm seeing my lot on Christmas Eve. That way, I get to see them all before they start seeing other family members. I'm not telling my grown up children who they can and can't see over Christmas but I can minimise the risk to ourselves. Mr W is still caught up in the pedantics of what day Sam travels up and when he forms a household as to whether we can see him or not which is annoying me.... and preventing me from wanting to even think about a tree yet!!!! But we will get there I'm sure.

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