Too cold for comfort.

We have our temperature taken at work before being allowed in. Mine was 33 this morning. I questioned it as it seemed too low but got no response. I then asked the people I was working with and they said 29 and 32. So once I had finished, I went back and quizzed the temperature checker and asked her what she regarded as a fever. She said 37. I told her if a temperature was reading 33 then a fever woukd be 35, not 37 and that the thermometer may be faulty - putting everyone who entered the centre at risk.

This was then escalated with the manager and after an investigation it was found that the thermometer was faulty and that its been rectified with more ordered as a back up. Sadly, my temp has been reading low for a few weeks. I wish I'd challenged it earlier.

Walkies this afternoon was chilly but the mist cleared and the sun came out. It was quite beautiful. X

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