Sufficient unto the Day

I managed a mini bake off while I listened with one ear to Andrew Marr. What on earth will we talk about when there’s no Brexit or Covid in the news- probably the size of the debt the country has to recover. With Brexit still ringing in my ears, I traipsed across to Soderberg to meet up with one of my Merry Widows and spend two hours in inconsequential blethering.

Thus did the morning fly by and with too much sitting about and the sun shining outside, I went out for a walk after lunch but couldn’t resist buying Miss Bessie’s frozen roast potatoes and two bottles of mulled wine as I passed the relevant shops. This was a big mistake as I then had to finish the walk carrying a heavy load on my shoulders. Still it was good to be out in the sunshine and absorbing some much needed Vitamin D.
I passed my blip on the way and wondered who would want to eat in a place with a frontage like this.

Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof should have been my mantra, but foolish woman that I am, I decided to reorganise what used to be my little study space. That was even more of a mistake than buying bottles of wine when out on a leisurely walk.

I can’t begin to say how many containers I have of pens and pencils, all jostling for space between a variety of knick knacks collected over the years, each of which has sentimental value but nothing else. Also in the collection are my boxes, wooden, metal, plastic, small, large, some with drawers and some with lids but each one much loved. The overall effect is of a second hand junk shop. Now with everything rearranged I will forever be hunting for things.

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