Wintry weather

It wasn’t Thundersnow that woke me last night , it was a battery of hailstones slamming against my bedroom window. Usually my bedroom is protected from the weather and I never hear gales or heavy rain, but the weather has certainly gone for it in a big way these last two nights.

The jaunt to the end of the road for a paper at 8:00 through slush persuaded me to take a walking pole on my way into town for shopping in case of any slip sliding. In fact the roads and pavements were clear and the pole was just an extra encumbrance along with my bags, mask and glasses. What a kerfuffle it is these days trying to go about one’s business when glasses steam up the minute the mask goes on.
With the food shopping done, I enjoyed a cappuccino with a snowflake of chocolate on top to sweeten the irritation of finding the M&S voucher giving me the gift of £15 to spend on beauty had small print on the back excluding everything I had chosen.

I continued on my merry way through pouring rain to see daughter#1 and partner in the gallery they look after on a Saturday. They had just evicted a bare foot homeless man sleeping in the shop doorway and who was surrounded by cartons of his bodily fluids and solids, including sick. How can it be that people like that fall through the system in what we hope is a compassionate and caring country?

By the time I walked home through a deluge of rain, I was soaked and more than happy to call it a day and retire, leaving the weather to do its worst.

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