Ball and Chain
Another night of Thundersnow! Not quite as loud as the night before which had residents rushing to call the police apparently.
My turn for a call first thing. The famous Q buoy had come adrift in the storm and was up on the beach by the breakwater. Send for MrP and his complaining assistant who mumped on about not being what she signed up to. It was quite heavy actually. And too big to be squeezed into the tailgate of the car so off I went to get the yard wheelbarrow and was caught by Misterft who was off to do arty stuff .
Back home to attend to WBRA shenanigans. The eventbrite invite is out but there are concerns that people from out of catchment could crash the party. As if they’ve nothing better to do.
What else is going on? The transformation of Scotland into the Saudi Arabia of wind power seems to have run into the sand with the collapse of BiFab at Burntisland. Here’s a billion pound construction - the Neart Na Gaoithe (NnG) offshore wind farm project right on our doorstep and the numbers of jobs we’ll get from it will be scoot. I don’t know whether the blame lies with the UK, the Scottish Government, the Canadian firm JV Driver or EU State Aid rules, for all have been blamed. It’s called levelling up on a global scale.
Meanwhile that oven ready Brexit deal seems to need a bit more cooking - the negotiators have chucked it back to the politicians to make a break through as the clock ticks down. The Frenchies are up to their usual tricks, but our man Boris is wise to them, oh yes. Oh Gawd.
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