twinned with trumpton


The remainder of the overtime occupied the first half of the morning. Accompanied by Sault and Untitled (Rise). 

[ of the few benefits of the current situation is I've rediscovered a proper thirst for new music. With the opportunity to choose a soundtrack whilst tapping keys - something not so simple whilst out on a bike and talking to people- I have been much more able to follow up musical leads. Middleman for one. And snippets caught on 6 Music or as incidental music on an Instagram story can now be properly explored instead of the easy 'Alexa - play my favourite songs' option.  As the end of 2020 looms, the lists for best of surface..... there's rich pickings out there. I may need to invest in some of the stand out stuff and spend my ill gotten gains supporting some of the artists out there...]

The lads showed up briefly to fetch dried out clothing and FIFA 21 and off I headed to town. An unscheduled stop with a big b(u)oy as Pensioner was caught wheeling an unfeasible large escaped buoy in a liveried FCYC wheelbarrow (see extra) long the path. Then Leith to see Keith (@keithfig) Paton at Bloc. An open studio thingy. I took the opportunity to speak to him about his 20x20 project which is taking shape nicely. We bounced off each other for a bit before the lure of Black Forest hot choc at Qupi proved too much. From there, word reached me that She was finished for the day so off I went.

She headed to the gym, I was despatched to the post office and the supermercado; we reconvened before donning proper clothes and out for Tuk Tuk accompanied by mint mambos and rhubarb soda instead of beer and wine. Day..13? So far so good.

An evening of avoiding Strictly before a fresh ride home under the moonlight.

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