A time for everything

By turnx3

Lets go fly a kite

This afternoon Roger and I went to Kitefest at Voice of America Park in West Chester, which is the former location of the Bethany Station, the first Voice of America radio facility capable of broadcasting worldwide. The Kitefest has been running for five years, but this is the first time we'd been. They have huge super-size kites, which were having difficulty staying up, as they need a lot of wind, demonstrations of choreographed kite flying, an area where kids could make their own kites as well as kites for sale, and several area where anyone could fly their kites. We didnt have a kite - I just went to observe and photograph! It was a fun event, but would have been even more fun with kids. The choreographed kite flying was amazing - one team, Chicago Fire, was a team of four - I just dont know how they do what they do without all the lines tangling up!

This evening we went to the Cincinnati Playhouse - we hadnt been for several months. It was a comedy, so made for a fun evening.

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