
By ayearinthelife

O Tannenbaum

And so it begins......
It snowed this morning and that is apparently the signal to put up the Christmas Tree. It matters not that the snow had all disappeared by lunchtime, we are now in December so time to get the tree out of the loft.
As you can see from the photo, it’s a bit tricky putting lights on a 7’ tree when you’re only 4’10” and the step stool was pressed into service. The lights you can see are only the tip of the iceberg - 480 of them in total to be wrapped round the tree, followed by another 360! It’s going to be quite bright in the living room when they’re all on together.
And the lights are only the foundation. There will now be several hours work involving tinsel and baubles before the tree can be considered complete. Of course, I have no involvement at this stage - Mrs C is the artistic one in this house. My input will be limited to moving the end result into position - surprisingly heavy and unstable when fully decorated! I will also be responsible for ensuring all the wires are safely tucked away.
In other news, I managed a decent workout today. Even though the gym is closed until January, my trainer has some equipment set up in an industrial unit and is very imaginative as to what exercises can be done with it. No heating there, but that wasn’t an issue after the first few minutes of heavy lifting! Surprisingly, considering I’d not done anything for four weeks, I was able to lift some decent weight. Can’t help but think I might ache in the morning though.
In spite of the lack of heating, I intend to try for two or three sessions a week in December. We would normally go to London for a few days, at this time of year, to see a couple of shows and do some Xmas shopping. That trip is obviously not going to happen this year, so I’ll spend the money on keeping fit instead.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....

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