Wild Wednesday ...

... Cooper's Hawk.

As many of you know I usually put together a Wild Wednesday collage.  And I was planning to doing just that.  But two things stopped me.  Number one is the fact that I'm trying to minimize the time I spend on post processing this month.  And putting together collages is time consuming ... at least with the software I use.  

The number two reason I didn't do a collage today is pictured above ... Mr. or Ms. Cooper's Hawk.  I had just come in the house from photographing all the squirrels and small songbirds when I looked out the kitchen window and saw him/her sitting in the backyard.  As any good blipper would do I grabbed my camera and ran back outside.  I really expected him/her to fly off as soon as I was seen but he/she sat  long enough for me to get lots of photos.  Finally as I walked closer he/she flew off.  Which saved me the trouble of chasing it off. 

Isn't she/he a beauty?!? I only wish he/she wouldn't use our backyard as a hunting ground.  But they do need to eat too.  This Cooper's hawk has one of his/her feet tucked up into it's chest for some reason. You can just make out a little bit of it on the middle of the chest area. 

Pennsylvania COVID-19 by the numbers (12/02/20):
Positive cases in Pennsylvania  - 375,431* (one-day increase of 8,291)
Number of deaths in Pennsylvania - 10,757 (one-day increase of 194)
Cases in Northampton County -  9,444 (last death count was 337)
* Total case counts include confirmed and probable cases.

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