
By Transitoire


So I had a bit of a grosse matinée today, I'm not going to lie! Also finished, 'If on a Winter's Night a Traveller', weird book. Good though! En bref, a reader opens it and begins reading only to have the story cut short. Turns out it was a defective copy, with another book's pages inside. But as the reader tries to find out what book the defective pages belong to, he keeps running into even more books and more difficulties. Upon further reading, those isolated chapters reveal themselves to be almost as intriguing as the literary hunt. Especially since each one cuts off at the moment of suspense - it is both frustrating and interesting, but hideously confusing, I'm not going to lie! An interesting book, and well worth a read...but make sure you know you're going to not know the end of any story, no matter how much you get into it! In other news, I really like this song, by Granville...finally a song that is good and sung in French. Definitely bought the album off the back of this one song!

As I had had all of my classes of today cancelled I managed to catch up on some much needed sleep, and wasted that catch up tonight by staying out for the Bara'thon! Oh well, only young once right? So my only class today was with my private student, and I'm constantly surprised at how much students improve with one-on-one help...I wish I had had it sometimes when I was that age! But I think I'm doing alright now anyway! Managed to get a lot done within the hour, and I'm very confident that she has seen an improvement as well in what she can do, she's definitely a lot more confident speaking in English with me anyway. So, back to the Bara'thon...and for those that haven't guessed:-
Bar + marathon = Bara'thon

So that means every bar on Rue Ecuyère must be visited (of which there are many). I had to duck out early as I have work tomorrow, and I didn't drink that much...instead sharing one drink per bar with Astrid, who also has work in the morning. Perfect plan! So, this is Gaëtan in the photograph, looking dashing as ever. So what can I say about him? Well, I've known him pretty much since I arrived here, but in a very oh faire la bise way...but I've spoken to him more often recently, hence his appearance on here! He also demanded to be put on, but we won't mention that! All credit to Astrid, a little rhyme on Gaëtan: Gaëtan, pas content, au Bara'thon. Of course, he was very much happy...but it rhymed(ish), so definitely counts as needing recognition! What else can I say about him? Well, he is a charmer, always ready with a compliment sometimes so much so that I don't know whether to believe him or not, and spent two years in Italy working so speaks Italian as well as French and English. Annoying I know! But yeah, lovely guy, and also a part of the ERASMUS society that I blab on a lot about. I must admit it was a toss-up between this photograph and another of Mathieu, but I decided I have done enough monotone recently, and it was time for a change! Still really like the photograph though, he has a very cheeky grin on it which still makes me smile every time I look at it.

Anyhows, I spent the majority of my night chatting with Astrid, which was pretty awesome as I've never really had a real chance to chat to her properly before...and after finding out we were the asthmatics of the group (Ventolin/Ventoline) we were soon chatting away. And yes, it's better not to ask how we found out about the asthma thing, because the honest answer is I don't know, we were just suddenly comparing inhalers!
Result of the night: people kept asking if I was French. Yey! Admittedly it wasn't French people who asked me this, but I think it is a start!

But before I blab on anymore to bed I must early start in the morning, followed by frantic packing for England, followed by a tram, a train, the metro, a plane and the car. That's right, to England I go!

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