It came

Maybe I'll get it upstairs tomorrow.

More Carol stuff today. N popped in with some new bedding and then I had an email listing pitential carers for us to decide from. I phoned the Broker who was helpful and sent the referral through. There are 2 we're keen on 1 us local and one is from Bristol. Tomorrow I will ring to suss them out a bit.

Nicola has also managed to find me a handyman. I still have lots of little jobs which need finishing and he's coming next week.

V the gardener came today and filled one of the bins and she's coming back next week to fill the other one.

The care home rang needing supplies for C which I ordered today and they'll be there on Thursday.

Tonight I started the list for the handyman.

Rang Carol and told her we were trying to get her home ASAP. It's possible she might be home for her birthday! She didn't really understand what I was telling her

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