Another.... Dull Photo

Had to be done. The new phone has a wider angle thing! 
Earlier we’d skidaddled out to Port Edgar. The new chain was there and ready for uplift. Uplift accomplished, we took a detour on the way home (still within our covid-19 cordon sanitaire, obvs) to pick up an ‘amusing’ little Christmas item. Ha. 
Oh, and the bins issue erupts across our WhatsApp again, threatening the fragile peace. The issue being that people occasionally dump full plastic bags into the recycling bin. Fly-tippers I reckon and hard to prevent anywhere. However the soon to be departed loudmouth states, "Got a pretty good idea who keeps putting black bags in bin but not willing to name and shame here. And it would probably not have a positive effect.” A pretty good idea, indeed. She means the woman she can’t stand that lives over the back from her. Ye Gods. 
JK wisely sidesteps that and says, "Individuals need to change their behaviour.” Ha, well yes. I think we need to set up a “nudge" unit. With baseball bats, obviously.   


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