Bald Eagle

By JohnJD

Five Coos

Out for a run before breakfast. Then out for a walk in the countryside. Didn't venture far today and as we were booting up 3 fire engines came speeding into the village.

We started off walking down the side and back of the church. The first half of the walk was across muddy fields where we came across these young inquisitive beasts. 

The second half was along quiet country lanes including an old drovers route used by Irish drovers taking their cattle to London. We later came across a rusty vintage AA sign that proclaimed that it was 177 miles to London.

There were not too many features on our walk today. Towards the end of walk we saw the three fire engines outside a house. The firemen having done whatever they had been called to do were gathered in the front garden.

As we were returning to the village we came across a small area enclosed by a low sandstone wall. Turns out it is a Quaker graveyard.

Despite being a grey overcast day I am still walking in my shorts. How much longer I wonder?

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