A porker of a tail!

Once upon a time, there was a huge country house. It  belonged to many people ranging from the MacNeils of Gigha, the Campbells of Argyll and a family with the wonderful name of Strutt among others.
In 1800 those in the "Big Hoose" decided to keep some piggies. They thought that the piggies should live a similar life of luxury as they did so they built this amazing porker of a hotel. There were about 10 pig-rooms all with Balachulish  slated shelter at one end, a piggy veranda in the middle and a self service food system.
When there was excess food from the kitchen of the "Big hoose" , the servant wench  lifted a large stone in the kitchen and chucked all the porky goodies into a stream that ran underneath the hoose and through the kitchen at quite a rate thereby carrying all the  tasty morsels down to the porcine accomodation. All the fetted pigs had to do was stand there gobs open and in went the food. Genius. 
Those porkers at the top of the portly porker order could also dine alfresco at the table and the stream later served as an ensuite which meant as piggies have no sweat glands, they could have a quick wash there too. It is well worth the couple of miles walk  down the Taynish peninsula to see this porker stately home!

For those of you interested in the more boring aspects of this estate
"Bertie" the king also entertained the  infamous Lilly Langtree there but that as they say could be another "tail"

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