Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Covid Christmas

Oh the pandemic outside is frightful
But our tree is quite delightful
I’m sure that now hope will grow
Meantime let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

When we finally get the vaccine
Things won’t be so very taxing
Outside once more we will go
Meantime let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Decent walk after a lazy start. Bought new fairy lights. Took home some coffee from Olive's; the barista is from Budapest and rather lovely, always remembers my order and persuades me to eat cake. I never knew her home town was originally two cities (Buda and Pest) although on googling there was a third called Obuda but I guess Budapestobuda would never have caught on and the tourist office persuaded the city officials to stick with something snappier.

Finally got my new MacBook courtesy of John Lewis via our local Waitrose (they were not only cheaper but much more efficient than a toxic combo of Amazon and Herpes - sorry Hermes). Good to have a laptop again, the latest version is so slick and easy that it practically qualifies as a gigolo, seducing you quickly into playing with its relaxed and charming features. Boy is it quick, and good looking too. 

Did the Christmas tree this evening. Had to borrow a saw from a neighbour so that I could cut a bit off the trunk. TSM made a welcoming speech; she likes talking to trees, it is very sweet. No elves to help out; The Dizzle doesn't like Christmas and retired to his room, TGR is in Canada and Strider is in Canterbury. We did a good job of decorating it and then listened to some Christmas music followed by Schubert. For the latter there are 748 recordings of Ave Maria and one each of all his other music, according to Alexa, who seemed to shuffle back to his magnum opus for every other track.

I'm looking forward to Christmas, despite everything that has gone on with 2020. Like most things in life it will be what we make it...

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