Lunch at the Golf Club

This morning I met my bridge friends at the Bellingham Golf and Country Club for our Tuesday bridge. We had fun together but all agreed it was the worst day of bridge we had ever had. I'm not sure how it is possible but none of us got decent cards. We played 24 hands of bridge and nobody ever got a rubber. (If you play bridge you know what that means.) We did laugh and have a good time anyhow. And I chose the lunch seafood special, wild salmon on an avocado base with corn relish, fresh veggies and rice. It looked so good I had to photograph it.

After lunch I went home and picked up Arvin and the fourteen paintings I needed to deliver to Allied Arts. We met Kelly, the director, a really lovely gal, and dropped off the paintings. They will be up at the Bellwether Hotel for most of March.

After that we went down to Village Books so I could use my discount coupon to buy a really beautiful coffee table book about wild cats. It is put out by T.I.G.E.R. in Myrtle Beach. What a gorgeous book. That looks like the next place for us to go to visit big cats up close and personal. Won't happen until next year, but that really looks promising.

Now my brother Steve is due for dinner. Best be on my way. Hope you are all having a great week.

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