Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Guess what?

A day that started off well with coffee and the pao de quejo we bought yesterday for a late breakfast.  

I then pinned Bb down to get on with some necessary paperwork.  He hates all that stuff but it has to be done.  Anyway, lo and behold when we went into the site to request an appointment, which is usually weeks away, we were both offered one for tomorrow morning at 10.00. I couldn't take it as I'm online all morning, but Bb could.  Mmm, take it and get one started or wait?  We decided to grab the one offered to Bb and then of course had to spend time getting all the documents together, printed off and filled in.  Chuffed with our achievements, we then walked out for our exercise walk and Bb decided to pay for the tax for the paperwork tomorrow at an ATM tonight, to save time tomorrow morning.  That only leaves photos to be taken tomorrow morning.  See Bb's blip for what happened next.
I think a few swear words might have been uttered while he was trying to make the phone call to the bank. 

My blip's of something I did yesterday.  Guess what!  Bb came down the stairs, saw them in the kitchen,  approached them and thought they were nibbles.   Clue - they aren't edible! 

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