Welcomed with a Cuppa an Scone

A dull and overcast day.  The winds picked up, and gales tonight.  Showers were heavy in the afternoon, eased this evening. 

I've been working in the museum all day, and we've had a steady day of visitors.  I headed down to see Jonny and Ruth after tea.  On my way home, it stopped raining and managed a walk with Sammy.  Mam and dad popped by again tonight.

It's great being able to go visit family again, even if it's only max of two households.  A proper catchup up with the family, the news and how the bairns were getting on in school.  Also kitten, Derek, has fairly grown from my last visit.  I was welcomed with a cuppa, and also one of Isaiah's homemade scones, along with his own heather berry jam, yummy and just what I needed.  Lena, Michaela and Isaiah, with Alex sneaked away.  Taken at their home, Bigton.  

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