I Choo-Choo-Choose You

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

It was FILTHY weather outside today, but I went into work not because I needed to do urgent work you understand but because I had an INTERVIEW.

This was for the non-Smock MPI job. Which - incidentally - Smock said she could NOT be a referee for. Because she's "friends" with the programme manager.

That's Smock for you. Scrupulously correct and annoying at all times.

So anyway, the interview seemed to go okay. I blethered happily for an hour and we overran a bit, which is always a good sign, I guess. 

Back at Kainga Ora, I dicked about and mused on the fact that - although this project really is shit - and I must emphasise once again how arse-about-face it all is. It does gift me plenty of dicking about time. 

So I was feeling uncertain about the MPI role. Happy for the money sure, but it sounded like there could be some pressure involved and who needs that. 

Fortunately, Dougal from Kainga Ora came through! She has suddenly - magically - produced a NEW business analyst role for me at Kainga Ora!

So OFF the shitey project, STILL in the nice, close office with the lovely people AND the same hourly rate! And it will run up to next June. 

Still waiting for the paperwork to come through, but suddenly the clouds seem to have parted and the rain seems to have stopped.

Metaphorically that is. Not actually. It actuality it continued to piss down and I got soaked. But hey.


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