Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Steampunk Sweet not Sour Tea Party

My flatmate turned 25 on Wednesday (yes, she's an April fool but apparently we're not supposed to mention that) so today has been spent busy in preparation for her party.

She decided to host a Steampunk (think victorian era with lots of cogs) themed tea party so we've been making minature cupcakes, sweet sushi and various other delicacies all afternoon. She'd got some tablets from that make bitter/sour things taste sweet so we also had platters of unusual foods to taste with a sweet edge and a few trips to charity shops uncovered some lovely china tea sets for serving cocktails in.

Overall it's been a lovely evening, the food was tasty, the drinks delicious. The tablets were rather odd, who would have thought you could have munched on lime wedges and enjoyed them? Most people came dressed for the theme, I've thankfully got a victorian style black skirt which teamed with a corset, long gloves and top hat, finished the look perfectly. The social group wasn't my usual (she's a big geek and so are her friends) so a big change from the parties I host, far more chat about role play games.

The haar, as I believe it's correctly called around these parts (sea fog to the rest of you) has been really dense in Leith all day. As much as I love the sun, days like this always seem that little bit special.

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