Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Never give matches to a pyro!

So yesterday evening I saw what I wanted to Blip for today. I was really excited, I even took a practise shot and a few minutes after midnight I was going to go take my photo for today. Which reminds me, have you put your clock forward on your camera, I hadn't.

So the boy gets home from work and I tell him how I've found the perfect blip. He agrees but being the little pyromaniac that he is, he picked up the matches and started playing with them, pretending to be setting the little stick man on fire. Unfortunately fire near cardboard causes scorch marks and ruined blips.

It's kind of funny though, you can see the look of horror on the stick man's face when he realises that, not only is his arm on fire, but his leg is smoking and will be alight pretty soon too.

This entry was going to be an introduction to a passion of mine, the art of spinning burning things around your body without ending up like this poor soul. I guess that'll wait until the weather is nicer and I can get some actual fire spinning shots.

Oh and for those who saw my "falaFAIL" entry, I tried again and this time they were far more successful - cooked chickpeas and hotter, shallower oil.

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