'Dozy Jem' Is Right

She certainly wasn't concentrating on the road (too busy turning her head to yack to her passenger) .... she was all over the place and spent half the time on the wrong side of the road. How she didn't hit something coming the other way I have no idea.

The Five Sisters were a bit more visible than they were last week.

After finishing the meal run and dropping the crates back at 'the office' I stopped to have a look along what used to be one of the main roads heading west. 'Slightly overgrown' may be the best description.

After lunch I went out the garage to finish off the problematic box.
That didn't happen.
Not because things didn't go well, but I was interrupted by a neighbour after just a few minutes and that was me stuck until the school bell went and the monsters came round.

I dug out a bowl/dish/platter - call it what you want - to take a couple of shots to put on a local on-line craft sale thing (I am not sure why - it is really badly organised and set up). It was really scary to turn it due to how out of balance it was ...... but the burr patterns are pretty special.

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