Porty Beach again

This morning, after I'd had my walk, do you want to know what we did?...................... We settled down to watch the first ever episode of 'The Crown'. Last night Ann signed us up to Netfix. She's been resisting it for ages because she feels like she spends enough time slobbing round watching TV as it is. Actually, she doesn't really watch it. She just has it on pretty much all the time 'cos she hates sitting in silence. Anyway for £5.99 per month it seemed like a really good deal for these long, dark, lock down evenings/days. And let's face it peeps, I can't see us being allowed to meet up with our friends indoors for ages.........................

After 'The Crown' had finished I had to have 'home alone snooze time' while Ann went off to the gym and then went for a swim. She's doing the 'Couch to 5K' thingy. …..........On the treadmill because she doesn't really have the right gear for running outside and also if she's outside she'd rather just be with me. She's up to 'week 3' now and it's getting a bit hard. Oh well, ho hum, she will persevere. It's not like she's got anything else to do.

Once Ann got home we had to watch another episode of 'The Crown'. She's promised me that she will search for some animal programmes for me to watch. It's a bit addictive isn't it? And then she said, 'Trixie, I want to go to the Range. You might as well come with me and then I'll take you down to Porty Beach and you can play with your ball.' So that is what we did.

It was ridiculously busy in the Range. Especially in the Christmas decorations department. Nobody was social distancing or following the arrows/markers on the floor. And the queue for the checkouts was just as bad. Ie, there was only one queue, (but all the check outs were open so the queue actually moved quickly) but why don't people who are queuing not realise that they have to stand on the markers to ensure they are two meters away from the next person? Ann was only in the shop for about 10 mins but when she came out, the queue to get in, went half way round the car park and there was 47 people waiting to get in?!!! Ann says she's not going back there till after Christmas!!

….................And after that stressful experience for my human, off we went to Porty Beach so that I could play with my ball. By this time it was about 3pm and the temperature really drops then. Even so, we still spotted four people swimming in the sea (without wetsuits). Mad fools!! If you look closely in this Blip you can see one of them in the back ground. Having said that, every time I got tired, I just flopped down in the sea for a little rest. Played for about 45 mins and by that time it was getting dark and it was difficult for me to see the ball. …............I think I might ask Santa for one those illuminating balls.

Home. Lights on. Heating on. Curtains closed. …............Looks like we might have to watch more episodes of 'The Crown' this evening. Not sure this Netflix thing is a good idea. It's probably just going to encourage my human to slob around more than she already does??!!!

And that's been our day.

Toodles. See you all tomorrow. xxxx

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