27 Years

I pass this cross stitch several times a day and never look at it.
But I hadn't taken any pictures today so I was looking around for an emergency Blip and this took my eye.
It came as a bit of a shock to see it is 27 years since I stitched it (the date is in the detail shot).

Not best pleased with the way things have gone in the garage today - I have been making a box for SWMBO from a piece of wood that I bought as part of a consignment may years ago. I have no idea what it is but it is like brick and an absolute nightmare to sand. When I was making the lid (from a different wood) I found that the damned thing has warped. Normally that would not be a problem, but I had finished the base so there is nothing to remount in on so it is now going to be a case of using lots of tape, paper towels and time to try and redo the aperture the lid fits into but I am not hopeful as the bigger lathe that I am going to have to use (due to jaw size) and it runs out of true by a fraction of a millimetre ............... and it has to be finished for Tuesday morning.
I may be in trouble.

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