Flouting the Trade Description Act

These cacti on the kitchen window have got it all wrong, not only did they flower before Easter, although that could be forgiven given that Easter is a moveable feast, but 6 weeks before Christmas flouts the trade description act. They have put on an amazing show this year as if to brighten the house up after the last depressing 8 months.

I’m so glad I love the smell of lilies because their scent is the first thing I smell when I come in to the house. They were included in the huge bouquet of flowers from my stepdaughter and son-in -law and have transformed themselves from buds to huge open blooms with stamens heavy with pollen, waiting to catch the unwary passerby with a stain on their clothing if they come too close.

My extra is a blip of the lopsided chocolate muffins I made today for some of the waiters in Söderberg who are always so attentive to me.
I am confident that I will never attain a star in my baking presentation and as a bad workman always blames his tools, I am taking the blame myself fairly and squarely. Pretty delicate baking is just not my forte.

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