
By carliewired

November Blocks

Log cabin blocks are 
built of strips, both light and dark.
Any colour works!

~ carliewired

It was already snowing when I got up at 6:30. Just what we need on Friday the 13th! I'm staying inside all day. 

The gas company sent their workman for 9 AM. He fixed whatever was required with the meter outside, then came inside to relight the pilot lights for me. We had a nice chat. He tells me the meter shouldn't need anything done again for 6 years or more. 

N arrived just after the workman left. He climbed up to change a battery in my security sensor. It is still chirping at me so it must need to have something programmed into the keypad. I'll figure that out later. 

N installed a rod out on my deck so I can hang my birdfeeder. I wonder how long it will take until the birds decide to use the feeder. I will save the suet feeder until it's really cold. 

I got a call from the appliance store to say my new appliances are in. We've scheduled the install for the 24th. That will be worth a blip!

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