
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

It was confirmed today that I am unlikely to get another extension at Kainga Ora. 

It's weird. Every other place I've worked, they want BA's to stick around throughout the development. But here, they're all like, "Well, thanks for the requirements. See ya."

I told some of my co-workers. One of them simply responded, "MotherEFFER!"

This is because he knows he will get all of my work after I've gone. 

To be honest, if they'd offered me another extension, I would have been partly, "Phew, money" and partly "motherEFFER" myself. It has just been such a strange job. Everything is upside-down and it is like they don't know how to do IT projects at all. 

On the upside, I spoke to an agent today who said that there's a good chance I might get a job back at MPI. But NOT with Smock!

If not, then I guess I'm having a longer Xmas break than expected. 

This is the sound of me not complaining.


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