Flappy Birds

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Caro and Feefs have always had something of a rivalry going on. Obviously Caro won the husband competition, but Feefs beat Caro to the punch on the gastric bypass front. 

Caro also led the way with eye surgery. Feefs just had hers done recently. I think she needed Caro to reassure her and tell her how it would go when the surgeon created a "flap" in her cornea before being able to zap her lens. 

But, as Caro explained, she sneezed during the procedure and developed a wrinkle in her flap. Her surgeon asked if she would like him to correct it, but as it was not causing her a problem, she left her flap wrinkly. 

Feefs took this on board.

Her procedure did not go as well. She found her vision had not been properly corrected so she went back for a second zap. But she did not HEED Caro's advice and WORE MAKE-UP after having the procedure done. 

"She's so bloody vain," tutted Caro.

As a result Feefs experienced some make-up under the flap. Caro texted Feefs today.

"How's your flap?"

It turns out the make-up is not a big deal. But she will have to go back a THIRD time to have another correction. 

As for Caro. She is having no problem watching "Naked Attraction" tonight. Tonight it's the turn of a 23 year old virgin named Brian who appears to be afraid of fannies. 

On first reveal, he was so overwhelmed he ran off and had to be calmed down by a producer. Then, when he returned, he didn't seem to know what to say. He resorted to simply describing them:

"I'm seeing a shape... with a line down the middle."

How terribly romantic. 

Then he squinted at the second fanny. "Where IS the clitoris, anyway?" he asked. 

I think he was expecting it to light up. 

Caro is quite delighted with herself. She's texting all her mates now, insisting they watch it too. 

I'm not sure how her flap is. 


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